who’s stealing my eyes?


Kickstarter has been a Very Big Deal for the indie RPG crowd. Where Print On Demand democratized the means of production, allowing anyone to enter the ring with a minimum (or even zero, if you do all the work yourself) capitalization, Kickstarter lets you capitalize and promote all at the same time. Kickstarters move massive numbers of eyes on any product sufficiently pretty to meet the Kickstarter bar.

This is a tremendous step backwards technologically and politically. It’s great for gamers and publishers.

Where POD opened up a whole new way to do business — you don’t need to do fulfillment, you don’t need to warehouse books, you don’t need a distributor — Kickstarter reinforces the old way. You will get enough money to print a bunch of books, manage warehousing, and (unless you want to be in a fairly special hell) hire someone to do fulfillment. POD simplifies and automates. Kickstarter enables the old mechanism to kick over one more time.

This comes with an undertone of disdain. Whereas in 2009 when we published Diaspora through then-revolutionary Lulu, POD publishers were the front line in the war to bring you more games, now they are increasingly seen as not publishing “real” books. And that’s only because now there’s a way to capitalize (interest free, though not fee free) old publishing methods so that you can do all those things “real” publishers do, but in your basement.

Let’s kill that right off the bat. Kickstarters are still amateurs (mostly) figuring out the things they need to do with the capital to get things done. They didn’t miraculously become pros while we slept. That’s why many of them fail when they could have succeeded with POD.

Here’s what you need to do to get a book into customer hands with Kickstarter (and this is not a criticism of any of these things; I only point out that each is a risk):

  • Succeed in a Kickstarter campaign (meet your goals). This should have it’s own bullet list of things because this is not simple. Anyway if you don’t do this you have no capital and you spent a lot of time to go nowhere.
  • Develop a relationship with a printer.
  • Do all the stuff you need to do anyway to make a book, whether POD or otherwise.
  • Finish without spending your profit.
  • Warehouse a thousand books.
  • Get a thousand books into envelopes and shipped to customers (and hope shipping fees don’t eat your remaining profits).
  • Get your remaining books into stores or sell them out of your basement.

The whole point of POD, often overlooked, was to reduce risk and capitalization. The marketing phase can fail and not hurt you because each book you sell goes directly to your bottom line right away, so if you’ve shouldered all the burden of writing, art, editing, and layout yourself then that’s just profit. Sell 1 book and you made money. Sort of; you spent your time. And that’s the heart of it: if you made the book yourself because you loving doing that, capitalizing a print run is all risk. If you can get rid of that bit then you’re finished and can go to the next project.

All of this is good for independent publishers of course. Any way you can get your vision into the hands of others is great. But there is an enormous political difference between POD and Kickstarter.

Kickstarter is conservative. Maybe not quite regressive (1), but not progressive: what it does is help you capitalize. The core methodology did not change; it’s still pure investment capitalism, you just have access to a bunch of pre-sales money with which to do all the usual capitalist things. It invites you to the table, which is a step forward, but it’s the same old table. You get to be a tiny Boss.

POD is progressive. It lets you convert your labour directly to benefit without turning you into a Boss, and without investment. You’re beholden to no one until you sell. And that’s important: you are free as in birds. Once you take a stack of money on the promise of production you are beholden to others until you deliver. Those are chains.

Those might be chains you’re cool with. Personally I have to ration that particular kind of stress–there are enough demands on my heart without it. I just want to make games and get paid a little by people who decided it was worth it after it already existed. When they can read reviews or see their friends’ copy. Not based on a promise conducted with the purpose of gaining your trust.

Oh, and POD need never go out of print. To keep your book available forever just ignore it. That also was progress. But the system thrives on scarcity as much as it does on speculation.

You will probably sell more books with Kickstarter. You might make more money. There is space for the books to be much prettier.

With POD you’ll just remain free.

(1) I think it actually is regressive but in this fashion: we got a progressive technology that let you actually change the process — you don’t need capitalization (that’s a big big deal) and you don’t need to manage the details of print, production, storage, nor fulfillment. With Kickstarter you are back to needing to care about those things. That’s the backwards step.

7 thoughts on “who’s stealing my eyes?

  1. POD is very fire-and-forget. I did Glow in the Dark POD and did it myself, and yeah, it’s out there learning to fly like a baby bird (that is, completely neglected once thrown from the nest). FWIW I use Shapeways.com for 3d printed stuff and it’s also literally POD. It’s so wonderfully hands-off if you want.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Allow me to clarify.

    There are 9 things wrong with traditional publishing for an amateur/hobbiest. And 1 right thing: quality.

    POD came a long and solved six of these but sacrificed quality. In doing so it made the process accessible to anyone with the creative chops and a desire. All obstacles removed. It’s fundamentally about accessibility for creators. It did not address profitability.

    Kickstarter _went back_ to trad publishing and fixed two things and kept quality. This is something I consider regressive — it goes backwards on POD instead of improving on it. It goes back to the trad well and fixes capitalization and promotion. THIS IS AWESOME. It helps so many people so much. It addresses profitability (which is why I say it’s conservative: it operates within the system and its expectations).

    I would love to see something that instead takes all the advantages of POD (no/easy capitalization, no production complication, no warehousing, no fulfillment) and adds quality and promotion. That would be progressive.


  3. Thank you for being so clear. The comments let me hanging dry. Can anyone tell me what are the 9 dimensions of publishing or direct me to the adequate resource, please ?


    1. Well I meant 9 notionally. “A bunch”. But let’s look.

      Trad publishing has, roughly, these pain points: capitalization, promotion, development (writing, art, layout), printing, shipping, warehousing, sales, and fulfillment.

      POD took that and said you’d just need to handle promotion and development. You can go straight from development to books-in-hands and get a cheque.

      Kickstarter only takes care of capitalization and promotion, which means you’re more trad publisher than not. But taking care of promotion is a Super Power.


  4. Yes, this! Everything you very eloquently said. I’ve been trying for a while to put my similar feelings and thoughts into words, but now I’ll just point people here. I feel Kickstarter is a will-o-wisp and way too many people follow it into the unknown simply because it’s glitzy and shinny, not knowing they may very well be walking to their doom.

    Liked by 2 people

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